Phoenix is a quite unorthodox hero, whose role is focused on offensive back-line supporting with occasional "dives" into battle. He is an excellent dual or triple lane hero who can heal his allies and quickly kill enemies with Sun Ray. Later in the game he works as an all-stage ganker, and a specific team fight role of post-initiator, similar to Omniknight. Ancient scriptures spoke of seven sacred emanations of light, and of their convergence in great conflict. The collision of these rays upon the mortal realm created a pyre of the highest purity, giving birth to the mythical Phoenix. As a manifestation of divine flames, Icarus can discharge either flames of death and destruction, or of life and healing. The concentrated beam of energy that he can emit can incinerate whole armies from across the battlefield. Unafraid to utilize his own life-force in order to vanquish his enemies, Icarus can also harness the direct power of the sun to create a stellar explosion.
According to the article, Icarus - Divine Flame: A Report by Hackedstealth; A devastating fire that burns allot of things unexpectedly, is a devastating fire that came from a little spark. Contrary to the popular opinion, Icarus is not a tank. All his skills require him to sacrifice hit points, which is why he is gifted the large health pool. Other than that, the skill theme, the very low armour, and the ranged attack should discourage direct confrontation. As we can see, despite the low starting strength, Phoenix is blessed with extraordinary strength gain to support his health-consuming abilities. However, he has extremely low agility and agility growth to discourage direct combat with slow attacks and minimal physical protection. His intelligence is nothing to brag about, but considering the nature of his skills, it is fully sufficient for his needs.
According to the site, www.playdota.com; Phoenix is not very difficult. He's not a carry, nor is he pure anything. He's somewhat a jack-of-all-trades, but that isn't such of a bad thing. His skills need good timing and precision, A good Icarus Dive can instantly make a team lose. Fire Spirits can save lives that were doomed to die. Sun Ray can eliminate the strongest of tanks. Supernova can wreak havoc in a clash. Those are skills that make your presence known.

Killing computer-controlled units earns the player experience points; when enough experience is accumulated, the player gains a level. Leveling up improves the hero's toughness and the damage it can inflict, and allows players to upgrade their spells or skills. In addition to accumulating experience, players also manage a single resource: gold. The typical resource gathering of Warcraft III is replaced by a combat-oriented money system; in addition to a small periodic income, heroes earn gold by killing hostile units, base structures, and enemy heroes. Using gold, players buy items to strengthen their hero and gain abilities. Certain items can be combined with recipes to create more powerful items. Buying items that suit one's hero is an important tactical element of the scenario.
Many of our computer games uses the mythological bird Phoenix to represent healing or rebirth. especially in "DotA" or Defense of the Ancient. Icarus the bird he pays for his spells by sacrifcing his life and mana. By diving in and out of battle you can prevent enemies from attacking. Charge up your fire spirits to increase their dmg output. Your lazorbeam can be used on allies to heal them or on enemies to burn away their life while also slowing them. Your ultimate deals massive AoE damage but you won't be able to attack. At the end of your ultimate your hero will return with full health and mana to fight once more. Icarus has many characteristic that we can compare to the Ancient bird Phoenix.
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